a group of 3 cleaners wiping down an office space, including entrances and tables.

10 Reasons To Hire A Commercial Cleaning Company In Dallas (According To Research)

Dallas has long been a city that values hard work and a job well done. This emphasis on excellence extends to the very spaces where work happens — the offices, stores, restaurants, and factories which form the backbone of the city’s commercial landscape.

Yet maintaining these spaces to the highest standards requires a dedicated effort. This is where commercial cleaning services and companies have stepped in to play a crucial role.

Every industry has its own little beginnings, and commercial cleaning is no exception. It all began in the late 1960s when University of Oklahoma student Jim Cavanaugh beat the curve and saw an opportunity to provide janitorial services to local businesses. 

This entrepreneurial venture blossomed into Jani-King, a pioneering franchise model that revolutionized the commercial cleaning industry.

In a city where time, money, and appearances matter, the value of a clean and well-maintained environment cannot be overlooked. This is why so many Dallas businesses are turning to professional cleaning services.

Did you know that the average desk is riddled with over 400 times more germs than your typical toilet seat? In a bustling city like Dallas where businesses see people constantly coming and going, germs can spread rapidly.

Professional cleaners have the tools to fight these invisible threats. They target high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, keywords, and common areas like break rooms and restrooms.

#2. Eliminate Allergen

In a 2024 report by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, it was found Dallas ranks fourth among the most challenging counties for people with allergies. Dallas is no stranger to allergens. From pollen to dust mites, tiny irritants can be harmful to the respiratory systems of employees and customers.

Professional commercial cleaners use high-powered vacuums with HEPA filters, specialty cleaning solutions, and techniques to remove allergen sources from carpets, upholstery, and other surfaces.

#3. Expertise In Deep Cleaning

guy cleaning a window where there's a reflection of his face

Typical cleaning isn’t just going to cut it when it comes to commercial spaces. Think about it: surfaces like office carpets or upholstery are frequented by anyone and everyone. Even with regular cleaning, dirt, dust, and bacteria are bound to accumulate in these areas.

Thankfully, professional cleaners know how to properly deep clean areas. Techniques like hot water extraction and steam cleaning are used for carpets and other upholstery to remove hidden grime and allergens.

#4. Focus On Your Core Business

Like it or not, as a business owner you have to have time only for the core of your business. This is true for your employees as well. Every minute counts and their time is better spent on tasks that actually bring value.

So, when you outsource to commercial cleaning professionals like Craddock’s, you free up valuable time and resources so your team focuses on what they do best. Whether it’s closing contracts, developing innovative solutions, or providing top-notch customer service, a clean workspace empowers your team to be the best in their roles.

#5. Boost Employee Morale

Cluttered and dirty workspaces hinder productivity. If your team spends a bulk of their time trying to dust off their keywords or monitors, there’s definitely a problem.

On the other hand, a clean and organized environment brings a sense of pride and well-being. Research published in the International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management found that higher levels of cleanliness in offices correlate with higher work satisfaction among employees.

Employees that feel good about their surroundings are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and find satisfaction with their work. Investing in commercial cleaning shows you want all these positive changes for them, which can potentially lead to increased employee retention and a stronger company culture.

#6. Reduced Stress and Clutter

A cluttered and messy workspace can be a prime stressor and distractor. Research published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that clutter can negatively impact our cognition and emotional well-being, leading to feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed. 

On the other hand, a clean and organized environment brings about a sense of calm and order. It fosters feelings of happiness and control, and this is exactly where commercial cleaning companies in Dallas can help. They help build a serene and efficient atmosphere, allowing employees to be at their best and unburdened by the negative impacts of a dirty environment.

#7. Positive First Impression

You know the feeling: you walk into a store or restaurant, and the grime on the windows, the dusty shelves, or the sticky floors instantly turn you off. Just as you, as a consumer, make judgments based on cleanliness, so do your customers.

Your building’s premises are often the first point of contact for potential customers. A clean and welcoming space makes all the difference. A spotless lobby, sparkling windows, and well-maintained restrooms tell visitors you take pride in your business and value their experience.

Positive first impressions can build trust, encourage engagement, and ultimately lead to higher sales and customer loyalty.

#8. Enhanced Brand Reputation

Your logos and slogans are just but one part of your brand. What ultimately defines brand recognition is the culmination of every interaction a customer has with your company.

Clean and well-maintained workspaces contribute to a positive brand image and show your unrelenting commitment to quality, professionalism, hygiene, and attention to detail.

In the social media age, where word-of-mouth travels fast, a negative experience due to a dirty or unclean facility can quickly ruin your reputation.

#9. Clean Spaces, Happy Customers

image of a woman wearing white shirt and wearing cleaning implements

According to the study A Study on the Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction with Institutional Foodservice during COVID-19 customer satisfaction is significantly associated with the cleanliness of service facilities. 

Customer satisfaction remains paramount in today’s cutthroat landscape. A clean and inviting environment boosts the customer experience, increasing the likelihood of them returning and referring others to your business.

#10. Higher Foot Traffic

Clean, well-lit, and well-maintained spaces draw customers in, period. When was the last time you stayed, much less entered a dingy-looking store?

Pristine windows, a swept sidewalk, and an uncluttered dentrace creates an inviting atmosphere that signals professionalism and care. Inside the walls of your building, a clean and organized space encourages customers to stay longer, browse more, and ultimately make purchases.

Our Commercial Cleaning Services In Dallas Will Help You Draw In More Customers

Craddock’s Cleaning Services understands precisely what Dallas businesses need. We have a proven track record of providing exceptional cleaning services and tailored solutions that fit your budget and schedule.

Whether a startup or a large corporation, Craddock’s has the expertise and resources to transform your workspace into a clean and sparkling space — else we won’t stop will we get it right. That’s the Craddock guarantee.

Get a FREE custom commercial cleaning services quote in 24 hours or less! See and feel the difference a clean environment can do for your company. We provide janitorial, floor, construction, window, commercial disinfecting, special events, and property management cleaning.

Can’t find what you need? Request a quote and fill out the form and we’ll craft a cleaning plan just for you. 

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